South Carolina
Beer Wholesalers Association

The South Carolina Beer Wholesalers Association is a non-profit trade association representing the State’s independent beer wholesalers. Established in 1939 SCBWA is dedicated to promoting, protecting and serving the common interests of members through effective leadership and a strong, unified association.
The South Carolina Beer Wholesalers Association provides valuable benefits for beer wholesalers. We work to protect distributors from overly burdensome regulations, keep tax rates in check, offer public affairs initiatives, promote the three-tier system, and provide networking opportunities that can grow your business. We are a vital source of information for those in the industry and as a result, membership in the SCBWA is an investment that can bring valuable returns. Together we are a strong voice in Columbia for issues that benefit members and the industry as a whole.

Government Relations
Government relations activities are among the most important programs undertaken by the SCBWA. The Association works tirelessly to bring issues that beer wholesalers face to elected officials in the legislative and executive branches of the State Government. We also help elect members of the house and senate who are “pro-business” and “pro-beer” and who recognize the significant role our family run businesses play in creating jobs, contributing to the tax base, and strengthening the economy.
South Carolina’s beer wholesaling industry cares deeply how their businesses affect the communities they serve. They play a critical role in educating the public about the problems of drunk driving, alcohol abuse and illegal underage purchase and consumption. In fact, no industry has done more to prevent abuse of its products than the beer industry.


economic impact
South Carolina’s beer wholesalers have a long history of contributing to the state’s economy, however a recent economic impact report has put hard numbers to that fact. The study found:
South Carolina beer distributors directly employ 2,126 people, and pay $152.4 million in wages and salaries.
When the impacts of South Carolina distributor operations, capital investment and community involvement are considered, the total number of impact jobs is 4,728.
South Carolina beer distributors generate $950.6 million in total economic impacts.
South Carolina beer distributor activities contribute $199.5 million to the federal, state and local tax bases.
The South Carolina beer distribution industry contributes more than $343 million in transportation efficiencies for the beer industry each year and $46 million in capital expenditure impacts.
Beer distributor contributions to local community activities generate $2.8 million in impacts annually.
National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA)